Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Time off

For those of you that missed the announcement last Sunday at St. Vincent's, I'm taking time off this summer to get… like… married and stuff. There are some tougher decisions ahead as Kristina and I start our lives together, but one of the important things to remember is for us to recharge.

This break honestly couldn't come at a more needed time. Most of us in ministry have a RealJob™, RealCommittments™ to our RealFamilies™, and while we exercise our faith through our music, it's often easy to lose sight of the perspective God has in his plan for us.

Yes – worship is important.

Yes – He is first and alone our God.

But what service do I do him and the community if I am exhausted and do not have my family in proper balance with my praise?

Those of you that do Liturgy well know that we cannot just show up on Sunday and make it happen. We need time to prepare, time to pray, and time to be community. With my current obligations, the first people to miss out on my time is my family. With my commitments as director, this means I am committed every week (with a few exceptions). I have missed many a family affair because of my commitments to Life Teen.

So, what am I getting at?

  • If you're a director, build up the people in your group to make it for a few weeks without you. Teach your most capable people what it is you do to make things happen. Yeah – we all like to feel important and have a situation where we're always needed, but that's a human need and is not what ministry is about. If the ministry revolves around your presence, then it isn't revolving around Jesus.
  • Take some time off.

I'll be taking time off myself from June 18th – August 19th.

God bless you in your ministry.

1 comment:

shelley said...

good for you in finding balance. it's never easy, but absolutely worth it. i'm happy for you. :)